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The Netherlands

I've now moved on to Maastricht, and parked in front of this shopping centre. Back streets of Maastricht. Another decorated electrical substation. This Dutch car has the same French and German low-emissions certificates as mine. Their German one i... Plenty of bikes. The first of my two target roads in Maastricht, which are within walking disatnce of each other. 1st July... Maastricht. My two roads in Maastricht make a pair: 01/07 and 07/01. 7th January... A view with an electric car being charged. A restaurant whose car park I used to stop and look at some maps. From here I decided to go to Helde... That's definitely less than 12 parsecs. This road is named after the day when Helden was liberated... 18th November... 8th October... This is the first place where two of my roads have met. Garden ornaments with faces. I can see the sign for this one without getting out of the car. 3rd December... Drie Decembersingel has a swimming pool in it. My advice to the city of Venlo would be that if you don't want people to make jokes about how much m... Drie Decembersingel. My hotel for tonight is a posh one. I will be getting a proper dinner tonight because I was given the opportunity to book a table when I... The room is wonderful. It has a monsoon shower, a fridge where I can store the sandwiches which I bo... The view from my room.... Before that though there's one more road that I want to visit here in Venlo. The flood plain of the river Maas, looking towards the city centre. So far on this trip, most of my pictures have been taken with a Canon DSLR but I've taken the last s... A boat. I have crossed the River Maas three times today so I thought I should get a photo of it. It's called... The Krefeld Penguin. Venlo. A dedicated teak shop is quite unusual. The statue marks 115 years of the Venlo Royal Singing Societ... Venlo. It looks like this is in the garden of a private house. This is the first place on this trip which I have recognised from an earlier year. I was here in ... Some typically Dutch houses in my 10th road... 9th November... Negen Novemberweg. The motorway crosses into Germany just behind those trees at the far end of the road. A wood carving of a bored deer. I changed my car just before this trip and considered getting an electric one so I'm interested to s... One of the lift shafts has glass doors so you can look down it. This hotel is so posh that it has real drinking glasses. That used to be very common but I noticed l... Everything is going well so far. The weather has been great and my progress has matched my most opti...