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The view from my room....
The view from my room.

I expect tomorrow's drive to be the longest of any day on this trip. It's about 600 km from here to the next hotel and there isn't anywhere that I want to visit along the way. In this view, the exit from this hotel's car park is in the bottom right. The slip road onto the motorway is in the top left. Tomorrow night's hotel is actually in a motorway service station so if I don't stop along the way then of the 600 km drive from one hotel's car park to the next, it's possible that the only part which is not on motorways is the 40 metres across this junction.

UTC Time: 13:33, Sunday 30 April 2023
Local Time: 15:33, Sunday 30 April 2023
Estimate of longitude: 6° 10' 24.78" E = 6.173550°
Estimate of latitude: 51° 23' 40.96" N = 51.394710°
Possible error on position estimate: 20 metres