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My room. Later I will need to prepare for my Friday night online quiz but first I have to buy a Slov...
My room. Later I will need to prepare for my Friday night online quiz but first I have to buy a Slovak motorway vignette valid for today.

Near the end of today's route, I was driving along a valley marvelling at the huge concrete viaduct which was being built, and the machinery which was being used, when suddenly the signs directed me onto it. It's a new motorway which isn't even shown on my 2023 atlas. Google Maps thinks it's not a toll road but that other motorways in Slovakia are. I'm not so sure though. It definitely had motorway signs and from what I've read, all motorways in Slovakia require the payment.

UTC Time: 15:44, Friday 05 May 2023
Local Time: 17:44, Friday 05 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 19° 34' 30.86" E = 19.575240°
Estimate of latitude: 48° 21' 23.26" N = 48.356460°
Possible error on position estimate: 20 metres