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The view from my window. A while later, I would hear what sounded like a long announcement being mad...
The view from my window. A while later, I would hear what sounded like a long announcement being made over a public address system. My guess is that the village in this picture has speakers like the ones which I saw earlier. From here, I could hear all of them with different delays so it was completely unintelligible. Not that that matters of course, since I don't speak Slovak.

UTC Time: 15:43, Friday 05 May 2023
Local Time: 17:43, Friday 05 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 19° 34' 29.57" E = 19.574880°
Estimate of latitude: 48° 21' 23.00" N = 48.356390°
Possible error on position estimate: 200 metres