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Hungary! The main reason why I've stopped is that I was listening to King Charles' coronation while ... When I went shopping yesterday, I was surprised to find that Slovakia has adopted the Euro since I w... 15th March... 15th March Street in Gödöllő. It's been very nearly a week since I started and I've... Another street nearby. A pub. That house has one entire open-air room. It looks to have as much furniture in it as any room would ... After yesterday's mountains, the scenery has gone back to being flat. 21st March Street in Inárcs. My first 35 roads included every month except March. Numbers 36,... 21st March... A horse-drawn cart near to 21st March Street. My next hotel. My room is four of the windows at the near corner of the top floor.... The room has a sort of Japanese feel to it. It's certainly light. In one direction I can see see tennis courts. And in the other... ... part of a go-kart track. The hotel and go-kart track are part of the same business. I have heard... Since the new king and queen were crowned today, this seems like a good time to show you that as I v... The breakfast room has a better view of the track. There are a lot of cars here now. I think it's for some sort of market. I saw lots of people carryin... Go-karts ready for the day's racing. Hungary pioneered the idea of putting the country abbreviation on the number plate. Here are the old...