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All the rain showers that I've seen on this trip have started suddenly, been very heavy and only las...
All the rain showers that I've seen on this trip have started suddenly, been very heavy and only lasted a few minutes. I was only two blocks away from my hotel when this one started but it was so heavy that I had to rush to the nearest cover, which was this bandstand.

For most of this trip I have had an old mobile phone mounted on the handlebars, which I have been using as a map and for GPS logging, and for taking some photographs. When the first rain shower started half an hour ago I moved it into the pannier to keep it dry. I took it out to take a few more photographs here. It had some moisture on the screen but was still working. After this I put it back in my pannier, then waited for the rain to stop and walked to the hotel. Unfortunately when I next tried to use that phone a couple of hours later it was completely unresponsive. That's why there is no GPS trail for today and some of the photographs are missing. That phone was using a mapping application which I like and which I have used for years but it's not available any more. I will have to start using some different software for my maps from now on, on one of my other phones.

UTC Time: 19:55, Thursday 18 April 2024
Local Time: 14:55, Thursday 18 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 89° 31′ 12.68″ W = -89.520190°
Estimate of latitude: 37° 18′ 19.12″ N = 37.305310°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres