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Ljubljana was founded at the point where the river cuts through a ridge of steep hills. Over the cen...
Ljubljana was founded at the point where the river cuts through a ridge of steep hills. Over the centuries, it has expanded onto the flat land on either side of the ridge but has not onto the hills. That means that althought this is the main square, the very centre of the city, those buildings on the right back onto the woodland which woodland continues all the way out of the city, so you could effectively go from the centre of the city to open countryside simply by walking in through the front door of one of those buildings and out through the back door. For a capital city, I think that's quite remarkable.

UTC Time: 06:01, Wednesday 10 May 2023
Local Time: 08:01, Wednesday 10 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 14° 30' 24.95" E = 14.506930°
Estimate of latitude: 46° 2' 59.57" N = 46.049880°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres