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Slovenian dawn. Today is kind of a day off as I won't be driving anywhere. My plan is to go on a 27 ...
Slovenian dawn. Today is kind of a day off as I won't be driving anywhere. My plan is to go on a 27 km ride on the bike, collecting all 6 of my Ljubljana streets. However the forecast says that it will start raining at about nine o'clock this morning and continue for a week. I don't really mind it raining on the later days when I will be mainly in the car but I don't fancy cycling in the rain so I'm going to do my ride now before it starts.

UTC Time: 03:33, Wednesday 10 May 2023
Local Time: 05:33, Wednesday 10 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 14° 32' 53.74" E = 14.548260°
Estimate of latitude: 46° 2' 54.71" N = 46.048530°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres