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Hofer? It's quite clearly an Aldi....
Hofer? It's quite clearly an Aldi.

A little while ago, the car beeped to warn me that I hadn't put any fuel in it since Romania and it was running out. Fortunatley, I was at the top of a mountain pass when that happened so the first half of the 11 km journey to a petrol station was all downhill and needed almost no fuel at all.

UTC Time: 13:52, Tuesday 09 May 2023
Local Time: 15:52, Tuesday 09 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 14° 49' 14.77" E = 14.820770°
Estimate of latitude: 46° 3' 25.99" N = 46.057220°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres