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30th December Market Street isn't one of mine because I'm not happy with its name. If it's a market ...
30th December Market Street isn't one of mine because I'm not happy with its name. If it's a market street which is named after the 30th of December then that's fine but if it's a street which is named after the 30th of December Market then it doesn't count. The road has to be directly named after the date, not named after something which happened on the date.

UTC Time: 07:46, Monday 08 May 2023
Local Time: 10:46, Monday 08 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 20° 37' 17.65" E = 20.621570°
Estimate of latitude: 46° 4' 12.61" N = 46.070170°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres