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I have now realised that there was no real need for me to have come here. The 31st of January is a c...
I have now realised that there was no real need for me to have come here. The 31st of January is a common date and there are lots of other 31st of January Roads which I could have visited. When I was planning the trip, I decided to visit this one because, after visiting 20th of March Road, this would be on my way out of Porto heading North. In the last few days, I changed my mind about how to do Porto though and booked two nights in a hotel so that I could do all of the Porto roads today, and then leave to the North tomorrow by a quicker route. This was one of those roads and I've ended up coming here even though it's no longer on my way to anywhere useful.

UTC Time: 08:53, Friday 02 June 2023
Local Time: 09:53, Friday 02 June 2023
Estimate of longitude: 8° 31' 33.17" W = -8.525880°
Estimate of latitude: 41° 13' 11.32" N = 41.219810°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres