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I planned to park a couple of streets away where there is more space but as soon as I arrived there ...
I planned to park a couple of streets away where there is more space but as soon as I arrived there I saw three dogs loose in a driveway so I didn't get out of the car. By the time I had checked my map they had come out into the road and surrounded the car so I had to be quite careful driving away. Here in 13th of August Road there's just a cat, and two people who independently came out of their separate houses as soon as I arrived.

UTC Time: 14:13, Thursday 01 June 2023
Local Time: 15:13, Thursday 01 June 2023
Estimate of longitude: 8° 33' 19.04" W = -8.555290°
Estimate of latitude: 40° 52' 41.99" N = 40.878330°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres