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For some reason, cartographers seem to have difficulty with this date. Open Street Map marks a few r...
For some reason, cartographers seem to have difficulty with this date. Open Street Map marks a few roads as being called the 25th of September when they are actually the 25th of April or the 28th of September. It gets this road right but Google Maps gets it wrong and calls it Professor Bento Lopes Road. Out of the 366 roads which I am intending to visit, this is the only one whose name isn't on Google Maps.

UTC Time: 15:24, Wednesday 31 May 2023
Local Time: 16:24, Wednesday 31 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 8° 28' 41.38" W = -8.478160°
Estimate of latitude: 40° 29' 0.42" N = 40.483450°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres