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Even though my window didn't open last night, I could still hear a trememdous cacophony of car horns...
Even though my window didn't open last night, I could still hear a trememdous cacophony of car horns at about eight o'clock. I thought at the time that it sounded like the kind of celebration that you get when a local team wins a major sporting competition. It turns out that the Portugese Premier League finished yesterday with the Lisbon club Benfica as the champions. That's their ground, which apparently is called the Stadium of Light.

UTC Time: 11:32, Sunday 28 May 2023
Local Time: 12:32, Sunday 28 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 9° 12' 56.99" W = -9.215830°
Estimate of latitude: 38° 47' 33.90" N = 38.792750°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres