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Everything about this hotel is frustrating. Nothing is where you expect it to be. The designers don'...
Everything about this hotel is frustrating. Nothing is where you expect it to be. The designers don't seem to have considered usability. For example, once you manage to get the gate to open, you drive into the car park under that big tree, which is quite cool. From the car park, there is a sign saying something like "hotel entrance and restaurant", which points towards the building. After that there are no more signs so any guest would assume that having reached the building, they should go into it. No. It turns out that the only official entrance to the hotel is the one on the other side of the building so you should walk all the way around it, under the tree. You don't find that out though until you walk through a conference room into the restaurant, where a waiter tells you that you shouldn't have come that way and should have gone round the outside instead, then when you go to do that he tells you not to do that and to just come through the restaurant.

UTC Time: 17:31, Wednesday 17 May 2023
Local Time: 19:31, Wednesday 17 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 7° 11' 33.79" E = 7.192720°
Estimate of latitude: 43° 42' 40.86" N = 43.711350°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres