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Greetings. Welcome to my 2023 holiday. This year I'm starting in this small town in Belgium. If all ...
Greetings. Welcome to my 2023 holiday. This year I'm starting in this small town in Belgium. If all goes well, I should be back here in about 7 weeks having completed my tour.

When I was looking for a place to start, this town seemed appropriate because whenever anybody has asked my what I was planning to do this year, I've always had to preface my explanation by saying "Well, it's a bit ..."

UTC Time: 11:44, Saturday 29 April 2023
Local Time: 13:44, Saturday 29 April 2023
Estimate of longitude: 3° 55' 27.01" E = 3.924170°
Estimate of latitude: 50° 38' 57.23" N = 50.649230°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres