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I'm back on the canal, except this section is older. This is the Briare Canal, which is the oldest s...
I'm back on the canal, except this section is older. This is the Briare Canal, which is the oldest summit-level canal in Europe. That is a canal which goes up from one river, over a piece of high ground and down to another river. It was completed in 1642 and connects the Loing to the Loire. The section which I was riding on yesterday was the Loing Canal. It was completed in 1723 and provides a more easily navigable route from the Seine to here than the River Loing does.

UTC Time: 10:35, Thursday 11 August 2022
Local Time: 12:35, Thursday 11 August 2022
Estimate of longitude: 2° 44' 5.39" E = 2.734830°
Estimate of latitude: 47° 59' 23.03" N = 47.989730°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres