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My view tonight is of the restaurant, which is much posher than I was expecting. I wasn't very impre...
My view tonight is of the restaurant, which is much posher than I was expecting. I wasn't very impressed though. I much prefered the food on my first night, in Pont l'Eveque, and that was half the price of this place. The only thing that I liked here was the ice cream, which the menu points out is not home-made.

UTC Time: 18:02, Wednesday 10 August 2022
Local Time: 20:02, Wednesday 10 August 2022
Estimate of longitude: 2° 47' 21.55" E = 2.789320°
Estimate of latitude: 48° 5' 9.46" N = 48.085960°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres