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The restaurant here is a buffet, which is great because there's lots of food, no waiting and not muc...
The restaurant here is a buffet, which is great because there's lots of food, no waiting and not much talking. I came in at eight o'clock. The woman on the counter tried to dissuade me by saying that they close at nine, which sounded to me like it would give plenty of time. I want to be out of here by then anyway to watch the Indian Moon rover trying to land. She actually meant that they wanted to have everything cleared away by nine so the meal was a bit of a rush, some of the hot food had been out on display for longer than would be ideal and a lot of the meat had already gone but I'm not complaining. Last night's meal was lovely but it was a bit nouveau cuisine. This first pudding course alone is about six times the size of last night's dessert.

While I was getting some food from the buffet, the chefs said that the chips had gone cold so they were going to cook some more. I wondered why they were telling me that. It turned out that they were cooking a whole plate of chips just for me. I haven't finished them yet.

UTC Time: 18:31, Friday 06 September 2019
Local Time: 20:31, Friday 06 September 2019
Estimate of longitude: 5° 40' 30.76" E = 5.675210°
Estimate of latitude: 53° 1' 26.90" N = 53.024140°
Possible error on position estimate: 50 metres