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I couldn't help noticing during the day that an awful lot of roads, businesses, sports teams and geo...
I couldn't help noticing during the day that an awful lot of roads, businesses, sports teams and geographical features are starting to have the word 'bear' in their names. I don't know if this is something I should be concerned about. Looking back, it started this morning when I went ot buy some sweets and noticed that about half of the varieties on offer consisted of one type of sugary substance or another moulded into the shapes of bears.

I'm having no trouble now in finding tasty and appealing-looking sweets. Every petrol station has a pretty good selection.

UTC Time: 01:11, Tuesday 17 July 2007
Local Time: 20:11, Monday 16 July 2007
Estimate of longitude: 92° 54' 51.78" W = -92.914382°
Estimate of latitude: 37° 20' 49.03" N = 37.346952°
Possible error on position estimate: 50 metres