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Inside Wal-Mart. I came in here to find some new plastic bags and a replacement map, although these ...
Inside Wal-Mart. I came in here to find some new plastic bags and a replacement map, although these strawberries look tempting too. It's a big place. It looks like they sell pretty much everything. There didn't seem to be any maps in the books section but an assistant eventually told me they were in the far corner, over by the the car tyres.

UTC Time: 14:51, Saturday 14 July 2007
Local Time: 09:51, Saturday 14 July 2007
Estimate of longitude: 89° 8' 6.55" W = -89.135154°
Estimate of latitude: 38° 57' 57.61" N = 38.966004°
Possible error on position estimate: 200 metres