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The building on the right is the First United Methodist Church of Chicago, also known as the Chicago...
The building on the right is the First United Methodist Church of Chicago, also known as the Chicago Temple. It was the first building in Chicago to be taller than the Board of Trade Building and is arguably the tallest church in the world, although most of the floors are rented out as office space so it doesn't really count. The first floor above street level has leaded glass windows, which makes it look a bit church-like. The "sky chapel" is near the top, at the base of the steeple. As I was leaving I would see a sign saying that one of the two weekly tours took place while I have been sitting here. I wouldn't have been able to take part with my luggage though.

UTC Time: 18:00, Wednesday 01 May 2024
Local Time: 13:00, Wednesday 01 May 2024
Estimate of longitude: 87° 37′ 48.68″ W = -87.630190°
Estimate of latitude: 41° 53′ 1.43″ N = 41.883730°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres