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The Marquette building, with its shimmering mosaics of Tiffany glass. It was built at a time when ar...
The Marquette building, with its shimmering mosaics of Tiffany glass. It was built at a time when architects were still trying to persuade the public that skyscrapers werer feasible, which is why it has so many lifts. It's named after a French coloniser who was involved in claiming all the land between Chicago and New Orleans for France, which is why there was also a Marquette building in Cape Girardeau. The mosaics and the busts celebrate the involvement of native people in the founding of Chicago, even though all the natives had been forced out of Illinois in the period between then and when this building was constructed.

UTC Time: 16:21, Tuesday 30 April 2024
Local Time: 11:21, Tuesday 30 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 87° 37′ 46.60″ W = -87.629610°
Estimate of latitude: 41° 52′ 47.32″ N = 41.879810°
Possible error on position estimate: 20 metres