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I've come to do some shoping in the building which is now Macy's but which used to belong to the riv...
I've come to do some shoping in the building which is now Macy's but which used to belong to the rival dpartment store Marshall Field, and which apparently many people in Chicago still refer to by that name. As you can tell, only the bottom 7 floors are actually used.

As soon as I saw this atrium I started to wonder whether this was the department store which contains one of the world's largest pipe organs. Later I would check and find that the organ is in Macy's in Philadelphia, which looks similar.

UTC Time: 23:11, Sunday 28 April 2024
Local Time: 18:11, Sunday 28 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 87° 37′ 38.64″ W = -87.627400°
Estimate of latitude: 41° 53′ 3.41″ N = 41.884280°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres