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This year I'm not trying to achieve anything specific, like crossing a continent under my own power,...
This year I'm not trying to achieve anything specific, like crossing a continent under my own power, so I will be happy to use lifts in hotels.

In fact I will probably do that a lot because my back is giving me quite a lot of pain. It started as a dull pain about a week ago but got a lot worse on the day when I flew over here. Now standing and walking hurt, especially when I'm carrying heavy bags. Sitting and lying down are quite painful too. The reason why today's captions are short is that I'm in pain while I'm writing this. Pretty much the only thing that doesn't hurt my back is riding the bike, but that hurts in other places.

UTC Time: 21:32, Sunday 31 March 2024
Local Time: 16:32, Sunday 31 March 2024
Estimate of longitude: 96° 19′ 50.34″ W = -96.330650°
Estimate of latitude: 32° 58′ 5.63″ N = 32.968230°
Possible error on position estimate: 50 metres