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The train is doing a strange move where it goes round a big semicircular loop about a mile in diamet...
The train is doing a strange move where it goes round a big semicircular loop about a mile in diameter so that it ends up facing South, then reverses the rest of the way to Union Station. I wonder whether that's because it only has a locomotive on one end so the whole train has to turn round to be ready for the next trip South. I wonder if it will be going all the way to Now Orleans tonight. After all it apparently has sleeping coaches.

UTC Time: 17:45, Saturday 27 April 2024
Local Time: 12:45, Saturday 27 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 87° 38′ 11.98″ W = -87.636660°
Estimate of latitude: 41° 50′ 55.46″ N = 41.848740°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres