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Inside the station. The Amtrak website says that this station is open for 5 hours in the morning, 5 ...
Inside the station. The Amtrak website says that this station is open for 5 hours in the morning, 5 hours in the evening and two periods of 1 hour each during the night. I find it unlikely though that there is somebody in the town who is employed to come here 8 times each day at such strange hours just to lock and unlock the door.

UTC Time: 13:25, Friday 26 April 2024
Local Time: 08:25, Friday 26 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 89° 8′ 9.96″ W = -89.136100°
Estimate of latitude: 38° 31′ 38.86″ N = 38.527460°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres