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Okay. It seems that I won't be hiring a car. As far as I can tell this is the only car hire place in...
Okay. It seems that I won't be hiring a car. As far as I can tell this is the only car hire place in Mount Vernon. We got quite a long way through the process of arranging a hire before the people working there explained that if you want to hire a car in one place and return it to somewhere else you have to pay by credit card. Since I've only brought debit cards on this trip, they refused to let me do that. I'm glad I found out about that now rather than next week.

It seems that is not yet the end of the cycling part of my journey, but it is the point where I give up the idea of trying to reach Chicago by bike and instead transition to the process of just trying to get myself home. Since I've now got 12 days to reach New York, it should be quite a leisurely process.

UTC Time: 17:57, Tuesday 23 April 2024
Local Time: 12:57, Tuesday 23 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 88° 55′ 59.52″ W = -88.933200°
Estimate of latitude: 38° 18′ 47.38″ N = 38.313160°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres