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The first part of today's ride is on this: the old military road. The main difference that I found b...
The first part of today's ride is on this: the old military road. The main difference that I found between this and the major road is that on this road, dogs aren't all kept within fenced gardens. Several of them came into the road to chase me but none seemed prticularly dangerous. One which was already in the road even ran away from me.

UTC Time: 15:34, Thursday 11 April 2024
Local Time: 10:34, Thursday 11 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 92° 48′ 34.27″ W = -92.809520°
Estimate of latitude: 34° 24′ 17.28″ N = 34.404800°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres