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Here's my hotel, where I do have a reservation. Not that it matters: I don't think anywhere is as fu...
Here's my hotel, where I do have a reservation. Not that it matters: I don't think anywhere is as full as people had predicted.

I had planned to spend one night here but there is some bad weather coming. I have heard forecasts using words like "supercell" and "tornado". If I did try to move onwards in the next two days then as well as rain I would face a strong headwind so instead I'm going to stay here until Thursday. It's a handy place to be. Pretty much every restaurant chain has a branch within a few hundred metres. This parade of shops alone includes a Chinese buffet and a pizza place. There's a lot more here than there is on the retail park in my Malvern, despite this place having only a third of the population.

UTC Time: 19:25, Monday 08 April 2024
Local Time: 14:25, Monday 08 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 92° 49′ 54.23″ W = -92.831730°
Estimate of latitude: 34° 23′ 30.73″ N = 34.391870°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres