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I've just bought a new mobile phone. Getting to the shop was a bit tricky. The roads here weren't re...
I've just bought a new mobile phone. Getting to the shop was a bit tricky. The roads here weren't really designed for bikes. Now I want to go into town. I could use those flyovers and then a busy road but instead I'm going to pretty much repeat the end of yesterday's ride to get back to the hotel, then take a comparatively quiet route into town in order to learn that route so that I can come back out the same way during the music round of today's quiz.

UTC Time: 16:15, Friday 05 April 2024
Local Time: 11:15, Friday 05 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 94° 5′ 42.47″ W = -94.095130°
Estimate of latitude: 33° 27′ 14.40″ N = 33.454000°
Possible error on position estimate: 100 metres