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In some of yesterday's captions, I said that I was let in by the owner of this house. I have now cor...
In some of yesterday's captions, I said that I was let in by the owner of this house. I have now corrected them to say that she is just the housekeeper. This is the owner. He's 83, lives in a cabin in the countryside and makes baskets for a living. I spent an hour or so chatting with him and the housekeeper over breakfast and they showed me around the house. He was very keen to show me this music box, which dates from about 1900. He's got 32 discs for it. The one which is in there now is playing Yankee Doodle Dandy.

While the two of us were in the living room, the housekeeper came in excitedly saying that there was a roadrunner in the road. When we got to the back door to have a look it had gone and the area where it had been was full of prowling cats. The owner said that he had never seen one, which surprised me because I saw one just a couple of days ago.

UTC Time: 13:48, Thursday 04 April 2024
Local Time: 08:48, Thursday 04 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 95° 3′ 4.57″ W = -95.051270°
Estimate of latitude: 33° 36′ 51.01″ N = 33.614170°
Possible error on position estimate: 20 metres