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This corner of the ship has a wood-panelled appearance. It contains the library and bookshop and, tw...
This corner of the ship has a wood-panelled appearance. It contains the library and bookshop and, two floors up from here, the cigar lounge. A sign on the door of that says that it's for cigars and pipes only. If you want to smoke a cigarette you have to go to a corner of the outside dexk at the back of the ship.

UTC Time: 09:19, Friday 10 May 2024
Local Time: 08:19, Friday 10 May 2024
Estimate of longitude: 21° 22′ 8.80″ W = -21.369110°
Estimate of latitude: 50° 41′ 25.69″ N = 50.690470°
Possible error on position estimate: 2000 metres