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There's a whirlpool bath, with extensive written instructions of course. I had a long soak in it and...
There's a whirlpool bath, with extensive written instructions of course. I had a long soak in it and got a bit of a massage from it. Normally I'm pleased to have a whirlpool bath because it does a good job of washing my clothes without me having to put much effort into it. I don't need to do that here though becase I'm free to use the washing machine and drier. There's no iron though. I'll have to look out for one of those in the next few hotels.

UTC Time: 20:52, Wednesday 03 April 2024
Local Time: 15:52, Wednesday 03 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 95° 3′ 4.57″ W = -95.051270°
Estimate of latitude: 33° 36′ 51.01″ N = 33.614170°
Possible error on position estimate: 20 metres