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71 km done, 10 years ago I would have regarded that as a very easy day but it's the furthest I've do...
71 km done, 10 years ago I would have regarded that as a very easy day but it's the furthest I've done since before the pandemic. I've already ridden as far this year as I did last year, but last year was primarily a driving holiday.

In the last few miles, the bike has started making a worrying clanking noise with every rotation of the back wheel. I can't easily debug what it is because it only happens when my weight is on it. It doesn't seem to be the brakes, the rim, the tyre or the reflector. It sounds a bit like spokes but none of them are broken. I currently don't have one of the four tools that are needed for replacing spokes but I do have the one for adjusting the tension so I might try doing that in the morning. On the other hand, that might make things worse. There is a bike shop here in Paris, very close to where the noise started happening, but it doesn't open on Tuesday or Wednesday, or Thursday morning. The next one is in about 150 km.

UTC Time: 20:53, Tuesday 02 April 2024
Local Time: 15:53, Tuesday 02 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 95° 30′ 33.19″ W = -95.509220°
Estimate of latitude: 33° 39′ 56.70″ N = 33.665750°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres