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My new bike! I've just bought it from the shop in the background....
My new bike! I've just bought it from the shop in the background.

I'm starting this year's ride in Dallas and after consideration I decided that it would be cheaper and easier to get a cheap flight over here and then buy a new bike than to try to bring my existing bike over safely. That's a slight shame because my old bike is now 10 years old and still in very good condition. This one is the same brand though, and about the same price, so I have high hopes for it.

My main concern is the spokes. In the past my bikes have always had 36-spoke wheels and even then they have sometimes broken. These wheels only have 32 spokes and I think I'm probably heavier than in previous years so we might have some problems.

Also, having now ridden it I've found that you have to squeeze the brake levers very hard for the brakes to be effective. That means that you really have to be holding the dropped part of the handlebars so that you can use the bottom part of the levers. On my previous bike I tended to ride with my hands on top of the handlebars, and just use the top part.

UTC Time: 16:48, Friday 29 March 2024
Local Time: 11:48, Friday 29 March 2024
Estimate of longitude: 96° 43′ 52.46″ W = -96.731240°
Estimate of latitude: 32° 51′ 16.85″ N = 32.854680°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres