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I am surprised this hotel ever passed inspection. Apart from the issue of the steps to reception, th...
I am surprised this hotel ever passed inspection. Apart from the issue of the steps to reception, this fire safety notice is terrible. I honestly didn't know what it said until I read it on this photograph. The text is not only tiny but it's written in black on a grey background, on glass so that it is overlayed with the grain of the door behind it and the reflection of whatever is in the room. The maps of the building which are in the corridors are just as bad, and they are not just for fire safety. They are also what you need to scour to find out where your room is.

UTC Time: 18:51, Thursday 08 June 2023
Local Time: 20:51, Thursday 08 June 2023
Estimate of longitude: 5° 56' 57.98" E = 5.949440°
Estimate of latitude: 45° 33' 36.72" N = 45.560200°
Possible error on position estimate: 100 metres