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With that, I've recovered from yesterday's Tomás López García nonsense and I'm ...
With that, I've recovered from yesterday's Tomás López García nonsense and I'm back on track, still a day ahead of my original schedule. I'm surprised it was so easy given that there are now only seven 29th of March roads in Europe, and three of those are in Kosovo or Ukraine and another is on an island.

By making this diversion, I've missed the 1st of May road which I had been planning to visit but that's okay because I visited one yesterday in the rain. It turns out though that I needn't have done that because there was another one in that estate in Pedro Abad, and another here in La Algaba.

UTC Time: 14:25, Wednesday 24 May 2023
Local Time: 16:25, Wednesday 24 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 6° 0' 41.87" W = -6.011630°
Estimate of latitude: 37° 27' 42.55" N = 37.461820°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres