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I'm now making a detour off my planned route to visit a 29th of March road near Seville. I didn't kn...
I'm now making a detour off my planned route to visit a 29th of March road near Seville. I didn't know I would be seeing this. It's a concentrated solar power plant about 6 km away. 300000 square metres of mirrors, spread across 480 acres of land, all concentrate sunlight onto the tower, where the intense heat melts salt. The salt can remain molten for hours and can then be used to generate electricity when it is needed. You can actually see the beams of light from the mirrors shining up towards the tower. Note that I'm using quite a low exposure on the camera here. It's actually a very sunny day but the tower is much brighter than anything else.

Other interesting sights in this region which I didn't get pictures of are the large silhouettes of bulls which have been erected on several of the hilltops, and the extended runway lights at Seville airport which are on gantries across the motorway.

UTC Time: 13:25, Wednesday 24 May 2023
Local Time: 15:25, Wednesday 24 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 5° 21' 23.08" W = -5.356410°
Estimate of latitude: 37° 30' 39.13" N = 37.510870°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres