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According to an email which they sent me, the proper place to park a bike is in the basement but I w...
According to an email which they sent me, the proper place to park a bike is in the basement but I would have to have let them know in advance if I wanted to do that. I didn't bother because I thought I would just park the bike in the garden. when I tried that though, somebody from the hotel shouted at me from a window and told me that I had to park it here down the road instead.

UTC Time: 13:47, Friday 05 August 2022
Local Time: 15:47, Friday 05 August 2022
Estimate of longitude: 1° 13' 35.76" E = 1.226600°
Estimate of latitude: 49° 13' 57.18" N = 49.232550°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres