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I think I'm going the wrong way down a bus lane. At first, I misinterpreted the signs and thought th...
I think I'm going the wrong way down a bus lane. At first, I misinterpreted the signs and thought this was the way that bikes are supposed to go. Then I realised that I should be on the pavement on the right but now that has been closed off so I'm back in the bus lane. There were no buses but I wouldn't have ridden here if I had realised that it's about to go straight past the front of the police station.

UTC Time: 09:57, Sunday 07 August 2022
Local Time: 11:57, Sunday 07 August 2022
Estimate of longitude: 1° 41' 51.68" E = 1.697690°
Estimate of latitude: 48° 59' 30.70" N = 48.991860°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres