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I think that's where I need to go to get a ticket for the ferry but the sign doesn't make any mentio...
I think that's where I need to go to get a ticket for the ferry but the sign doesn't make any mention of bikes. Instead, there is a very clearly marked bike route which goes to the right of this view. It doesn't say where it goes but it definitely looks like the route that bikes should take. It goes along the other side of a long fence, past where the cars are checking in, almost to the quayside...

UTC Time: 08:13, Thursday 22 August 2019
Local Time: 10:13, Thursday 22 August 2019
Estimate of longitude: 11° 13' 19.56" E = 11.222100°
Estimate of latitude: 54° 29' 47.08" N = 54.496410°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres