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Normally, check-in for the ship opens about two hours before departure. Throughout the high summer s...
Normally, check-in for the ship opens about two hours before departure. Throughout the high summer season and on a few other specific days, it opens two hours before that. Today was one of those days. I though that was just going to mean that we could check in early and then use the toilets at the port while waiting for the normal boarding time but in fact, I was allowed on board almost straight away. It's still about two and a half hours until departure so the ship is remarkably empty.

UTC Time: 14:20, Friday 30 August 2019
Local Time: 16:20, Friday 30 August 2019
Estimate of longitude: 11° 54' 44.39" E = 11.912330°
Estimate of latitude: 57° 41' 42.83" N = 57.695230°
Possible error on position estimate: 200 metres