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The United Kingdom

The port of Harwich. Three German convertibles. Ready to start the bike's eleventh and final human-powered section of this year's trip. Harwich. A roof ready to be tiled. I was quite enjoying the ride into Wivenhoe, you remember, the Miss Marple place. The cycle route si... Wivenhoe, with a view of the River Colne. I don't remember Wivenhoe station having Dutch-style two-level bike racks when I was here a few week... I saw a similar bird posing like this near a pumping station yesterday. It must be dustbin day. Colchester. The village of Layer de la Haye. Countryside. Another view from the same place. The blackberries are still out. A car bumper up a tree. Okay. Near the highest point of today's ride. A view. A beacon. Above the front door of a house in a terrace. A new Travelodge being built. This is the same road that was in ... Maldon. I took a picture of the same view in ... The view from the last hill. The buildings beyond the fields are North Fambridge, this year's start snd end point. Back where I started, after 2248 km (1397 miles) by bike and about 850 km by boat, 27 km by bus and ... Thank you for following.