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There used to be a type of tyre which I liked which was widely sold only in France so I had consider...
There used to be a type of tyre which I liked which was widely sold only in France so I had considered trying to buy some before I leave. I have a feeling that they don't make them any more though and I've already loaded up the bike with my bags so I'm not going to bother. The existing tyres still look to be in pretty good condition. I'll probably end up only doing about 1000 miles on this whole trip, which is about how often I normally replace the tyres.

UTC Time: 08:47, Tuesday 11 September 2018
Local Time: 10:47, Tuesday 11 September 2018
Estimate of longitude: 0° 43' 2.93" W = -0.717480°
Estimate of latitude: 49° 16' 35.65" N = 49.276570°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres