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The bright dot in the sky, above the fence line, about a quarter of the way down from the top of the...
The bright dot in the sky, above the fence line, about a quarter of the way down from the top of the picture, is the planet Saturn. The Cassini probe has been orbiting there for thirteen years but its time is about to come to an end. In less than ten hours, it will fall into the planet's atmosphere and burn up. Its last transmissions will reach Earth about an hour and a half later. I feel that there is some kind of similarity between that and the way that my own journey will end when I wade into the Atlantic Ocean.

UTC Time: 00:45, Friday 15 September 2017
Local Time: 20:45, Thursday 14 September 2017
Estimate of longitude: 79° 50' 51.00" W = -79.847500°
Estimate of latitude: 32° 48' 52.60" N = 32.814610°
Possible error on position estimate: 20 metres