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For the first couple of weeks, I was using guest laundries in motels quite often. Some of them expec...
For the first couple of weeks, I was using guest laundries in motels quite often. Some of them expected guests to have brought their own detergent though. In Jackson, Wyoming, I bought a sachet of liquid detergent but didn't use it because I didn't want to have to walk to the laundry room three times in the rain. I've still got it. Big hotels don't always have a guest laundry and I've got out of the habit of looking. I've just always washed my clothes with shampoo in my room. I've already done that tonight so I won't be using this one. It looks like I will have carried that sachet over the Continental and Eastern Divides and the entire Mississippi basin for nothing.

UTC Time: 22:18, Wednesday 13 September 2017
Local Time: 18:18, Wednesday 13 September 2017
Estimate of longitude: 80° 49' 37.74" W = -80.827150°
Estimate of latitude: 33° 33' 20.05" N = 33.555570°
Possible error on position estimate: 100 metres