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In this part of town, I saw a few statues relating to how things used to be around the year 1900. Th...
In this part of town, I saw a few statues relating to how things used to be around the year 1900. The label on the base of this one say that the river used to flood and people would have to access their homes by boat and go in and out through the upstairs windows. I'm not sure what the man in the sculpture is actually doing. Fishing out of the window, perhaps.

UTC Time: 16:42, Tuesday 15 September 2015
Local Time: 17:42, Tuesday 15 September 2015
Estimate of longitude: 0° 23' 20.40" W = -0.389000°
Estimate of latitude: 51° 39' 13.61" N = 51.653780°
Possible error on position estimate: 100 metres