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The place is pretty quiet because Hartlepool United have gone to Stevenage today. On the left, you m...
The place is pretty quiet because Hartlepool United have gone to Stevenage today. On the left, you might be able to see a car. Some people were carrying things out to it from the stands through a gate in the fence. I would have asked them whether they minded if I just leaned in and touched the stand but the last of them was already locking the gate when I reached her. However, I reckon that if I find where the columns supporting the stand line up with the gaps between the outer fence panels, I might still be able to reach one.

UTC Time: 10:54, Saturday 22 August 2015
Local Time: 11:54, Saturday 22 August 2015
Estimate of longitude: 1° 12' 42.12" W = -1.211700°
Estimate of latitude: 54° 41' 24.18" N = 54.690050°
Possible error on position estimate: 50 metres