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After "driver fatigue", the police moved on to "speeding". Now it's "seat b...
After "driver fatigue", the police moved on to "speeding". Now it's "seat belts" Incidentally, when I entered Albury in New South Wales a couple of weeks ago, I saw that it called itself something like "a top seat belt wearing community". I wondered whether there would be people there wearing seat belts in the restaurants or at the motel or just walking down the street. There weren't.

UTC Time: 06:02, Sunday 26 January 2014
Local Time: 14:02, Sunday 26 January 2014
Estimate of longitude: 115° 43' 41.59" E = 115.728220°
Estimate of latitude: 33° 13' 46.78" S = -33.229660°
Possible error on position estimate: 20 metres